Possibly the stupidest request ever...

So as the title suggests, this is a stupid thing to ask, but I'll give the context anyway...

I'm currently back on the wagon after a rough Christmas period, and have just made (what is for me) a huge step forward by giving my notice to my boss, who is also my best mate, because I just can't be in that environment anymore. But I digress...

We've been watching the first couple of episodes of 'A Thousand Blows' and I said, like an idiot, that I could tame a lion, or at least be mates with one.

As you'd expect, my mate laughed in my face. So I made a bet with him... If I get a photo of myself with a lion, then I'll never touch alcohol again.

So that's pretty much what I'm asking... If there's anyone that works in a zoo (or preferably a sanctuary if there is one, as I'm not a fan of zoos) that could maybe get me reasonably up close and personal with a lion... And I don't mean in the enclosure, I don't have a death wish... It would be amazing. I'd win a bet that I'm already intending on keeping, but it would also be something that really gives me the motivation to stay on the wagon.

Anyway, as I said, this is a silly thing to ask but if you don't ask, you don't get.

Edit: it seems I have to specify again that I'm not an idiot and don't want to be inside an enclosure with a lion.