Brown scapular

Would you ladies be able to shed some light in this for me as a newer convert? My sweet cradle Catholic neighbor insisted on giving me a brown scapular and all she said was to have it blessed by a priest and wear it at all times. I wear my miraculous medal always, literally never take it off and I love its devotion. I understand its devotion. I can not for the life if me understand the devotion of the Brown Scapular and I suspect it’s because I don’t know anything about it. All the Catholics resources I have searched out say to wear it daily and that our Lady said that whoever dies wearing it will get to heaven. That makes no sense to me? A scapular is not our salvation. So what part of this devotion am I missing or not understanding fully? Every other devotion is clear that its not the object that gets you to heaven, the object serves to remind you of certain devotional acts like daily praying the rosary, confession, fasting ect… I got the scapular blessed promptly but feel guilty for never wearing because I don’t know what it is or “how” to do it I guess? Where did it originate? What is the purpose and intention of it? Why is considered a “greater” devotion than something like the Miraculous Medal with so few resources for its intended purpose?