Calling to Catholicism - LGBT woman

Hi everyone, I’m not really sure if this is the right place to discuss, but I feel like I need to get this out.

I was raised by two relatively unreligious parents, however with Catholic grandparents/extended family and attending Catholic schools, I often found myself attending mass for confirmations, communions, baptisms, with family, etc. However, I’ve never identified with the faith/Christianity or considered myself as such.

For the past year or so, I have been attending Sunday mass semi-regularly with my grandparents, purely out of desire to spend more time with them/assist with mobility. My grandmother has always been a faithful Catholic woman and I enjoy accompanying her in something so dear to her.

Recently however, I have felt this calling towards the Church. Whenever I enter mass, I just feel this sense of peace I can’t even describe. I see the beauty of the faith and imagine life in the future: starting a family and attending mass every Sunday. I had never felt any sense connection towards Catholicism before.

However, I am a woman, who loves and is attracted to other women. This has been a part of my identity for a long time, and is an important part of my life. I can’t imagine a future without my wonderful girlfriend/future wife with me. I know the doctrines regarding homosexuality, and I just can’t seem to reconcile why God would make me this way if it was a sin. I want to explore the faith but I am so torn and anxious about what it means for me… am I really never going to find love?

By living my life loving who I want, how am I hurting anyone? Some help/guidance would be great… thanks for reading 💜