Disturbed by Political Messiahs captivating Catholic Social Media
Ever since you-know-who's inauguration, a popular Catholic instagram account that I followed ("@CatholicConnect") began veering too much into foul mudslinging and political idolatry of Trump/Vance/RFK. See here and here. (Btw, there’s a reason why organ recipients need to be vaccinated).
More alarming is reading the comment section, and seeing people unscrupulously attack Pope Francis and the US Bishops for going against Trump and the GOP platform. Need we remind ourselves that JD Vance isn't our Ordinary Magisterium? And all the ugly polarization... people who are complaining about the politicization are accused of being "Democrat-first, Catholic-second"...
EDIT: The comments in this thread alone proves the polarization and misinformation infecting our online spaces
More and more, I'm noticing disinformation and political extremism seeping into even orthodox Catholic spaces. Be watchful of these trends. It’s not of the Holy Spirit, but of the diablos.
Last Sunday's 1st reading:
"Thus says the LORD: Cursed is the one who trusts in men, who seeks his strength in flesh, whose heart turns away from the LORD. He is like a barren bush in the desert that enjoys no change of season, but stands in a lava waste, a salt and empty earth."
Our Lady, pure and immaculate, pray for us…