What are your thoughts on the George Janko, “Christian Avengers”, and the Eucharist being “dirt” controversy?

I just watched a video by Trent Horn on this, and he gave a sharp critique. For those who don’t know, a Christian podcaster named George Janko brought together many popular Protestant Christians for his 100th episode(it ironically ran the same runtime as the film “Avengers:Endgame, perhaps the reason he titled it “Christian Avengers”). Some there were Cliffe and Stewart Knechtle, Ruslan KD(the most sympathetic to us in the group, and he recently talked to Voice of Reason), “Girls Gone Bible,” and more. During the discussion, the group touched on Catholics and other Apostolic Christian theology, and Janko(who has close to 3 million subscribers) said he couldn’t wrap his head around the Eucharist and called it blasphemy and dirt being elevated to the level of Christ. This moment went mega viral among Christians on the internet, and Janko himself has yet to respond as far as I am aware. I’d love to know your whole thoughts on it if you know about it, and I leave an encouragement to pray for George as well as the rest of that group to become Catholic.