How do I do I switch my diet?
I’ve just been diagnosed with celiacs. Like two weeks ago.
The doctor called it a “weak celiacs disease”. I’ve never noticed immediate discomfort after eating gluten, but I did specifically go to the doctors due to recurring health problems that apparently relate to celiacs. (Bowel movements and being gassy all the time)
I’m 23F, and I’ve always been a big eater like my dad. I tried changing my diet immediately, but only lasted two days before eating pasta again.
Now I’m on a “every other day” diet, where I’m slowing trying to cut gluten out. But have had a couple “accidents” where I ate gluten on my off days.
When I would get the food I either didn’t know it was gluten, or forgot I wasn’t supposed to eat it anymore. Or sometimes everyone else was having something delicious and I wanted some too.
Is this the way to go?
My aunt (34F) and baby cousin (9M) also have celiacs, but my cousin has been eating gluten free food since he was very young, so it’s much easier for him to resist food he hasn’t tried before.
My aunt has always been very careful with his diet, but not with her own. She’s of the opinion that “it’s ok if I mess myself up, but not ok if I mess him up”. She was also diagnosed when she was an adult. So she ends up on gluten eating sprees before she gets back to her diet.
I don’t want to be like that, harming my health anymore than I have already. I want to try to switch to a complete gluten free diet. Maybe with a cheat day once a month, but no more.
I feel incredibly weak because I haven’t been able to stick to a diet. I feel like some members of my family expect me to fail because I’ve always been a big eater.
I already found gluten free bread and tortillas that I like, having checked out Wegmans gluten free section. But I hated the gluten free digiornos pizza and chicken pot pie that I tried.
My biggest issue is that I miss pasta. I do love rice, but I want my spaghetti, not Spanish rice.
So my question is, how do I switch my diet? Has anyone else had these problems?
Is there specific items or ways to order at fast food restaurants? Usually my family goes to McDonalds or Burger King, and I love the greasy food but it all has gluten. 😭
So cold turkey is the option, and no cheat days is what I’m hearing.
Not what I wanted to hear, but definitely what I needed to hear. I’ve only been getting advice from people without celiacs or people who don’t follow their diet, which is exactly why I came here.
At least now I know that, thank you 🫡
Now I just need to figure out how to switch lol.
One more question, sorry. I forgot to ask about gluten free drinks. I was shocked to hear that I couldn’t drink rootbeer anymore.
Is there anything else I should avoid? What about alcohol?