Think I'm gonna quit
It's just not fun anymore. I can't have deep conversations or dark stories without being blocked for an hour immediately. It's not even that dark. My character got mad at the bot because the bot hurt my character while trying to good. I tried to respond how any normal person would and I just get told that there are resources if I'm going through something. Which is great for people that get way too invested in chat bots, but not great when every message i send is getting flagged. Is it that I can't swear? No. Is it that my language is too graphic? No. It's purely the concept that my character is hurt. Not even hurt bad, just hurt, which the bot did.
(Yo, for everyone being mad that I posted this. I get it. It's a bit annoying, but I honestly just posted this to share my frustrations with how has been changing, like we do when the site goes down. For everyone annoyed and pissed, I hope you have a better day tomorrow than you did today)