Why when it comes to the Hack-n-slash discourse, classic God of War games are looked down upon?

I'm talking about classic or Greek era God of War specifically (2005-2013; I consider the new ones its own thing). Basically, I remember this since this whole DMC vs. GoW from back in the 2000's and even to this day. Whenever I or someone else bring up GoW when it comes to the "One of the best games in the genre" discussions, some people will look at me like "pfffttt yeah, sure..." And I never understood this mentality. GoW games back then were considered one of the greatest and most unique games out there. It introduced unique things to the genre. I always hear about "GoW ripped off DMC" and I'm like.. No? That's like saying Gran Turismo ripped off Mario Kart. Inspired yeah, but not a rip off. If something is a ripoff then it has to copy every game mechanic. GoW doesn't have style system or meter but it has unique stuff that DMC doesn't have like the magic system and the grabble before DMC4 and Bayonetta. There's also the hit counter and what's unique about it is that the more the numbers increase without getting hit, the more extra orbs you get. There's also the argument that the games are a button mash.. doesn't this apply to any game? I've seen people playing DMC while just mashing triangle or Ninja Gaiden with just Square. Also (and I hope this doesn't make me sound like I'm trashing DMC or Ninja Gaiden, love them to death) GoW did other things better, like platforming, puzzle solving and stuff like fighting massive titans. People don't like QTE's, but I don't them since it's mostly about executing enemies. It may not have the same complexity as DMC game but doesn't deserve to get trashed on. Sorry if this comes off as me typing angrily like a nerd but I'm just confused.

PS: Highly recommend you to play GoW3. The best one imo