Publicly and privately humiliated, Rachel is done for good! (WIBTA for ruining someone's reputation etc etc)

My very first post was asking whether I should ruin her political reputation for her actions against her brother. Of course as an entitled narcissist she STILL can't see anything wrong with her actions - and as a result HAS RUINED HER ENTIRE LIFE!

After her parents' deaths Rachel jumped straight back into activism, being voted onto the state committee of her international environmental organization. On the weekend Teen4 called me, filled me in and said "Listen to this then check their website!". Apparently an official complaint had been lodged about "A person with Rachel's reputation holding such a prominent position within the organization". They called her in for a discussion "asking her to answer for the disturbing allegations of racism and homophobia that had been made against her". True to form she said "Yes, but no, but that isn't true and has been completely blown out of all proportion. All I said to Harry is that it was MY money and that after he dies his boyfriend shouldn't be allowed to take the money back to Asia and spend it on HIS family because it belongs to ME and my children". They politely asked her to "step down" from her elected position as her values were "incompatible" with those of the organization. I checked the website - under the menu heading of "meet our team" they listed 7 committee members and their backgrounds. Position 8? "VACANT".

Teen4 also said she was persona non grata around town. A family friend is getting married next month and Rachel received a card last week in the mail. "Dear Rachel, it is with regret we must ask you not to attend our wedding on March 22nd, 2025. It will be a very special day that we wish to celebrate with our dearest friends and make memories to last a lifetime. With that in consideration we don't want our guests DISTRACTED BY CONTROVERSY.... Best wishes, John and Adam". Disinvited to the wedding of a gay friend you've known for 20 years? BURRRRRRRN!

And I didn't have to lift a finger.

As for the rest: A large envelope arrived at Harry's house by express post on Friday morning. He jumped on the phone and called me over for brunch so we could open it together. The envelope was addressed in Rachel's handwriting as were all the written contents. 1. Two Stat Decs stating Rachel has no claim against her parents' or Harry's estates. 2. Letter to Harry begging forgiveness for the "terrible misunderstanding" that "Jerry twisted the facts to use them against me" and that she knew it would "never break the special bond we've always had". Oh girl, that ship has LONG sailed. 3. A check for $20,000 from "the family" saying they were sad to hear of his upcoming operation and that the money would cover not just the out-of-pocket expenses but allow him to take a month off work to recover. Knowing he's a Trekkie they signed it off "LIVE LONG AND PROSPER 🖖" - a very nice touch. 4. A second small envelope inside with "Jerry" handwritten on the front. A check for $50. The yellow post-it note attached said "NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Did Rachel actually contribute any money or were the family once again cleaning up her mess? Don't know, but it's the best we're ever going to get; the fact that it was all in her handwriting would have been torture enough for her.

So it's done. All I said to her at the beginning was that I would protect Harry no matter what it took and that I would shame her in front of her entire family. DONE and DONE. I did say - perhaps overstating a little - that I was a Rottweiler but SHE was the one who pegged me as "mean and mentally unstable". Perhaps if she'd put that all together at the beginning she would never have gone down this road in the first place.

Everything we've been through over the past 4 months has given me a lot of time to reflect on the special relationship Harry and I have built over the past 40 years. People have commented about what a great friend I've been to him but I promise that for those years I still feel like there is nothing I could do that could ever make up for him being the most incredible friend in the world and everything he's done for me. When we met I was a terrified little gay teen getting tortured by his classmates in a D-Grade high school in a little city in the desert at the ass-end of nowhere. What we've been through with Rachel is just "Victory #107" of that story, which, if anything, is what I should REALLY write about one day.