Spoilers on Tenet, I think I've really figured it out, no like really man I swear.
Here goes Sator is Saturn(Latin)/Cronus(greek)/Chronos(greek)
Sator is the father of Zeus(Cronos), the tyrannical father who is aware of a prophecy where his own children will rise up and defeat them.
Saturn/Chronos is the god of time. We see that Sator himself is checking his watch in the film to check his heartbeat.
His wife is Rhea(kat), cleverly schemes to protect her son from his tyrannical father.
Note Max/Neil isn't just Zeus he also has many traits of Hermes. He's a messenger from the future, he is everywhere at once via his many loops of inversion.
Important to note that zeus ultimately defeats his father by giving him a stomach ache(I.e. sator has cancer)
When her son matures he's able to defeat his father in the Titanomachy.
This would imply Tenet represents the Olympians in a war raging against the future Titans.
Key thing to note, that would make Rhea/Kat mother of the Olympians, This would fit the camera angles used in the film, where she's perpetually elevated above all in the room.
If Kat is the mother of the gods, note not just one god, this implies she has other children or grandchildren.
Back a moment, who creates inversion? A woman many generations from now.
That would logically mean, Neil impregnated Barbara the pregnant tenet scientist,
That would me the scientist "many generations" into the future is a relative thing.
This would make Sator the grandfather of the creator of time inversion.
This would explain who's helping him in the future, his own granddaughter.
As for her to live needs to help him, it'd also explain why she commits suicide.
EDIT: The Protagonist has multiple archetypes.
He could represent Adonis a mortal so perfect the goddess of love Aphrodite had an affair with him.
I have about 40-80 different lines/ideas but trying to keep it brief.