Symptoms of Mild Cervical Stenosis and Flattening of Ventral Thecal Sac

I’ve been dealing with nerve pain, muscle tightness/fatigue, lowered range of motion, and other very weird sensations in my upper extremities, as well as slight pain in my lower extremities when I push them too hard. It started as full blown carpel tunnel 6 months ago (I’m an active 23 year old male guitar player) which went away and was gradually replaced with the generalized nerve pain I just described. Another weird symptom I have is tingling in my right ear very sparingly.

I’ve exhausted all theories of cause, and now I’m on cervical compression of the spinal cord itself, rather than the nerve roots, as the cause. I posted the results of my cervical spine MRI here, and have been told the findings are too mild to cause my symptoms. HOWEVER, no doctors can elaborate on “Flattening of the Ventral Thecal Sac,” which is what I believe the cause is, and someone over at r/SpinalStenosis corroborated my theory. I linked the post below. I’m wondering if anyone has experienced ANY of this and has wisdom to share. Thank you!