Lavaloons is the worst strategy

I just restarted this game and am at level seven, and my god have I become sick of being raided by lavaloons that are frankly unkillable due to their limitless hp and incredible damage. It's mind numbingly frustrating to lose 200000 elixir to some dick using five lavaloons and rage spells. It's not even a contest, as they target the one thing that could stop them. They are quite frankly an unkillable force, and unless your packing a level sixteen bloody super dragon with a laser attached to its forehead it'll easily sweep your base. It even drops additional units each time it attacks, and it will at least get a chance to drop twenty due to its health pool quite literally being equivalent to a barbarian king. And the worst part- It scales with level, so it just gets stronger as I do making it the most pathetic strategy since e-dragon spam. When did strategy leave the equation? I used the lavaloons on one match and felt sick at how lame and unstratergic they were. Really hope they permanently remove them, or nerf them