The Problem(s) for Breach

Most of this sub and I myself believe Breach probably needs a change now. Cammy, wake, and purj have all taken turns dropping absolute stinkers. It’s tough to choose who should go first though. Wake has probably been the worst overall, but he has shown flashes of his old slaying prowess lately. Against c9 map 4 on LAN and maps 1 and 4 this most recent game. Cammy has been trending downward after a decent start to this split, now looking worse than wake. Purj has been up and down, but I think he’s probably safe just off his comms and map knowledge. Was the most vocal and clear sounding in the listen in today as well. Before wake started showing flashes I was all on board with huke replacing him and moving purj to flex, but if cammy keeps playing like this he would have to go but then that leaves the main AR vacant. All this to say, what do yall think they should do? Might it even be better to just keep this team for another LAN to see how they do since we’re already halfway through the split? Both ARs out? Blow it up now?