Daily scrims results - Feb 26th / sR vs SSG

Here are today's scrims results, another late post because last scrim just ended. Links to see the stats :

sR vs SSG : https://halodatahive.com/Series/LiveStats/22907

Reversal Perfy vs Triggers Down : https://halodatahive.com/Series/LiveStats/22909

Nemesis vs Pino : https://halodatahive.com/Series/Summary/22906

Notes and notable performances :

● SSG looked like they could go toe to toe with sR in the first half, until they dropped a couple close games in which they were in a good position to win. sR steamrolled them pretty much the second half of scrim, outslaying them by 200 kills

● LethuL is back like he never left, most damage dealt and a 1.24 K/D

● Once again, Lastshot and CyKul both over 100k damage dealt. When sR is in a groove it really feels like they are 5 or 6 on the map

● Both assault games between SSG and sR ended 0-0, it was really boring to watch. Something needs to change before we have to sit through a 30 min assault game on championship sunday ending 1-0

● Nemesis, without much surprise, looks like the team to beat in Europe, WuTum again with a solid performance of 1.26 K/D, he had the least deaths of both team