Didn’t poop for 8 days?

I got my period and was having very unpleasant BM which seems to be something that happens to me. Just for day 1-2. Lots of poop. Then I didn't poop for 8 days! It's not like I poop every day usually so I wasn't too concerned at first but I normally do every few days. I felt super bloated and not good. Started taking miralax on day 7, it made me pass so much gas😭 then finally last night (day 8) I pooped but it wasn't much of anything, unimpressive and unremarkable. Now I'll take that over painful passing or explosive laxative diarrhea, but I expected a little more than a single baby log. I took more this morning in hopes that more will pass, bc I feel like I need to physically but I can't. I've been losing my appetite too and it feels weird to keep eating when there's a weeks worth of crap in me! Pardon the tmi but advice anyone? Should I just keep taking the miralax and be patient?