How would you feel being invited to a "banana-only" meal concept?
How would you feel being invited to a "banana-only" meal concept?
When I invite family or friends over, I noticed some specific dishes have got a particularly good reception from the guests, most of the time. Among them:
A starter that is some kind of cold banana salad.
A main dish that is, shortly described, bananas cooked with lard and smoked sausages (only tried on French people though, it's a somewhat popular dish in France called Petite banane. No idea whether people outside of France would enjoy it).
The one usually triggering the best reactions: a dessert consisting of baked (or flambé) lentils bathing in a sweet banana-vanilla cream. I was perplexed upon seeing this recipe at first, but the association banana/vanilla/cream works surprisingly well.
Looking at it, I could somehow do a banana-themed 3-course meal. But when I suggested this idea to my wife, she raised many doubts. Although she loves each of these dishes separately, she says too much banana in one lunch/dinner could be hard to digest or enjoy for some people (even with reduced quantities). Or turn off guests we're not close enough with, like, they could be afraid to have a potential unpleasant evening due to what would seem to be a weird thing we want to do.
And you, how would you feel?
EDIT: The comment came a lot, so let me clarify: this assumes the guests have been made aware of the concept beforehand. No "Ah-ah surprise, only bananas today!". I always double check the menu with the guests beforehand since my relatives have a wide range of dietary restrictions. I like crazy experiments, but only with consent!