Which one is legit Canara Setu Portal

When trying to pay my CC bill through Canara Setu Portal. I have found 2 websites which looked almost similar

  1. https://billpe.setu.co/

  2. https://billpay.setu.co/

1 is legit from my findings.

Here is why.

I went to https://rbi.org.in/commonman/english/scripts/banksinindia.aspx to find canara bank's website.

Which took me to https://www.canarabank.com/ => official

On different search I landed on https://canarabank.com/bharat-bill-payment-system

Clicking on First Card ( Bill Payment ) takes to https://billpe.setu.co/

Can someone confirm if 2 is fake?

We need to report it somewhere as it is taking phone number for login, credit card details as well!!