Those articles saying “Crypto Bull Market has started“ are to 99.9% just click bait and are mostly the exact same concept.

As users on this sub I think it is very normal to see hundreds of news links as posts coming in as this is the easiest way to farm moons, but in some cases also important as it shares news quickly for some new event. But especially as this year we have been having a big rally up from our bear market lows, a lot of articles about the exact same topic are coming in.

First Concept: A big name or company talking about Crypto as if they know more than us

“Crypto has entered a Bull Market says XYZ“ and so on, which is basically mostly the same concept. Those articles either include a simple statement from a big company or famous person, for example now we just had a very popular one where an Investment bank from New York said that a new bull market had begun. Most here don‘t even know that company but as it seems a “big and relevant company“ they click on it.

Here we should remember that even the biggest companies and biggest names in the whole world can not predict Crypto in any way. Of course they have more expertise but to a certain extent even the most expertise won‘t help any further.

Second Concept: Using a specific chart and indicator to fit their narrative

The second concept they mostly use is showing a chart with some colourful line, though I am not against TA or good analysis of a chart in any way. I think that those news articles talk way too isolated about just one kind of analysis and an indicator of a chart. At the end of the day just anyone can make an indicator to predict literally anything. The best example may be PlanB with his own indicators that are not always true but just sometimes.

This post should not be a reason to defame those sites or discourage anyone to read those articles, it is just a warning/advice to not rely too much on those articles as they almost always just want the clicks and will use any kind of a catchy headline to achieve those.