Jon Kent is wasted potential as of right now.

It was fun seeing Jon introduced as a kid. You get to see Lois and Clark becoming a family of three instead of being just them. He was a character in development. People wanted to see what would Jon become eventually.

Then the radical age up happened. Wasn't a really big fan of it and, the way it was dealt with was fucking awful. I remember somone made a post years ago about how bizarre Lois and Clark acted. We only see them cry once in one panel. They should have been fucking mortified that they lost several years with their own son. This should have been a recurring issue that the family as a whole to deal with. However Clark and Lois just let him join the Legionares right after they just got him back.

Also, why would they need Jon to join the Legionares, when you already have someone like Mon-El. Having half-Kryptonian seems redundant. It seems like an excuse to get rid of Jon so that Lois and Clark basically act like a childfree couple.

When Jon comes back to take over the mantle. There is literally nothing special he adds to the legacy. This could have been a chance to make sure Jon didn't have the same exact shortcomings as his father. Maybe he could have learned some advanced science and technology from his grandfather that can help in his superheroics. They could have make it he has certain limits due to his hybrid physiology and therefore he has to openly compensate for it. Maybe he could have been inspired by the Bat Family when it comes to pushing himself physically and mentally. I mean for fucks sake make him more edgy and aggressive for all I care. Any of this would have been better than making him a younger version of Clark.

That's all he is when it comes to his powers also. I mean the writers could have cooked something up by saying that mixing human DNA and kryptonian DNA would give him unique abilities that his father doesn't have. Conner Kent comes to mind with his tactile telekinesis.

What a waste.