CPR mixes?
CPR is best performed at 100-120 bpm, per AHA guidelines. Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees [104bpm] is commonly taught for timing purposes. That song specifically is useful because it has an unmistakable beat throughout.
But it is on the slower end of the spectrum, and CPR rescuers who are using music don't have to worry about going too fast. For that reason, many teachers now advise using faster-paced music. I think the ideal "CPR mix" would:
- run at 120 bpm, or slightly below
- have a strong beat from start to finish
- last 30 minutes or longer
- (optional) be upbeat and SFW
- (optional) be postable on the Internet without too many copyright concerns
Do mixes like that already exist? Is anyone interested in making one?