Quick double barrel load out question
So fairly early on I got the double barrel overclock (didn’t use because I didn’t try scout out yet), and from what I can gather it seems amazing at swarm clear with the pheromone canisters. At the moment I can’t experiment with the build so I would assume both ammo upgrades, faster reload, and blast radius. What I am deciding between is auto reload and fear the Boomstick. Fear seems nice because if bugs would survive it makes them easier to kill. But on the other hand, if it isn’t that effective I would use auto reload because I just unlocked Hoverclock (also trying to level up so I can use it) and from what I can see you can fling yourself around pretty often with the grappling hook without touching the ground, so it might be nice to just shoot it and instantly fling off using grappling hook and let it reload itself. Also I suppose I could just rely on both ready instead. Opinions? (Also, sorry for the long read 😅)
EDIT: it’s now between fire damage and fear. Auto reload is out. Born ready instead.