Because it has been 8 months since the first reveal of Final Shape, many of the finer details of what is coming may have been forgotten and Bungie hasn't aggregated it all together, so I am going to try to.
If I have missed anything please let me know below.
General Expansion Info
Destination: the Pale Heart
A realm of infinite possibilities awaits within the Traveler, The Pale Heart is born both from the power of Light and the memories of the Darkness. It's the place the Witness has been trying to reach for so long, and now that it has arrived, it's where The Final Shape will be conceived. Unless we stop such machinations, the universe will become a single moment, frozen in time forever. Exploring The Pale Heart through The Final Shape campaign will feel like a more focused experience than ever and will have a clear path for players to follow. It's the first linear destination in Destiny's history and will feel both familiar and unsettling. It will evolve along with your actions, and the enemies plaguing it will escalate their aggression the more you advance on your mission to stop The Final Shape from coming to fruition. (Final Shape Reveal Showcase Recap)
We have plans to replace some bounties with a more rewarding and engaging system tentatively called the Pathfinder. This is going to be debuted on the new destination in The Final Shape, and we’re currently nailing down a plan for how we can use this new system to replace core ritual bounties in the new year. (State of the Game: August 2023)
Cayde-6 Returns as our guide
Only 7 missions will be available prior to the Raid. The 8th Mission will be unlocked once World's First has been completed.
the format of that mission will be different to the boss encounters against Savathun and Calus from previous campaigns. "When we did The Witness it just didn't pass the sniff test, so we knew we needed a different strategy." (PC Gamer Interview)
Legendary Mode for Campaign returns
New Faction: The Dread
Fireteam Power System:
To ensure you can always play with your friends, most activities that use Power will also include a new "Fireteam Power" feature. Let's say you want to play a Nightfall, but your friends' Power levels are low enough that they would have a difficult time. No problem, because, once they join your fireteam, the member with the highest Power Level will boost the rest of the team close to their level for as long as you are all together. This way, no one will be left behind, even on the most demanding pursuits. (Final Shape Reveal Showcase Recap)
Timeline Reflections (Started in Season of the Witch, sounds like goal is to continue)
One of the several quality-of-life improvements that Season of the Witch brings is Timeline Reflections. These short playable missions can be accessed through the Timeline menu in the Director. They are openly available to all players and serve as brief narrative introductions to the world of Destiny 2. New Lights can play them to catch up on the ongoing narrative; veterans can relive and enjoy pivotal moments from the past; and everyone will get special end-of-mission rewards. (Final Shape Reveal Showcase Recap)
Luke Smith: Final Shape is the culmination of a 10 year journey.....but facing the Witness is not the end of Destiny 2 and its DEFINITELY no the end of Destiny. After you face the Witness we will tell you what is coming next to Destiny 2 and beyond (Final Shape Developer Gameplay Preview)
"We've had to do this before with things like Divinity and auto-reloading. At some point you're like: 'Hey, this super provides utility that a lot of people like, but we are handcuffing a bunch of our players too. So what's the version of this where we can say: 'Okay, the time for everyone feeling like they have to run this is over'. We know that we have to make some changes before The Final Shape raid." (PC Gamer Interview)
HUD Improvements
Xur Rework teased by Joe Blackburn (Joe Blackburn Dev Insight Summary)
We are prioritizing the delivery of a new ritual armor set alongside The Final Shape to infuse some new looks you’ll be able to show off from your time in the Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit playlists (State of the Game: August 2023)
Legendary Shards are going away
While we don’t have plans to dedicate more resources to significantly transform Gambit, we do have a few updates planned for the year of The Final Shape. These include porting the Cathedral of Scars map and its beautiful Dreaming City setting into the latest version of Destiny 2, as well as adding the Shadow Legion and Lucent Hive enemy types. (State of the Game: August 2023)
Shaders Preview Icon Rework
So all of the colors are represented in the new icons, and they’re organized a bit differently. I still think you have to know how armor works to really look at it and be like ‘I get it’, but you know, the more prominent areas take up more prominent parts of the shader, and all the little hidden colors are represented on the shader icon (Joe Blackburn with Datto)
I'd assume eventually we will get the planned reworks of Inverted Spire and Exodus Crash
Prismatic Subclass and Ability Tuning
- Full Primer, highlights below
Lets you mix and match Light and Dark abilities with specific Abilities and Aspects to choose from
When you deal Light-aligned damage (Arc, Solar, and Void) or apply Light-aligned buffs or debuffs, the Light bar on the left fills. When you deal Darkness-aligned damage (Stasis or Strand) or apply Darkness-aligned buffs or debuffs, the Darkness bar on the right fills. Kinetic damage fills both bars at a reduced rate, but that rate increases when either bar is filled, making it a solid choice to help a lagging bar catch up. When both bars are full and meet in the middle, Transcendence is available. While Transcendent, your melee and grenade energy are instantly refreshed and regenerate more quickly. Dealing damage with a grenade further increases your melee regeneration rate and vice versa. Your weapon damage is slightly increased, and you are more resistant to incoming damage.
Transcendent Grenades
- Hunter: Hailfire Spike: Throw a device charged with Stasis matter and Solar energy that attaches to surfaces or targets and then erupts into a slowing storm. After a short duration, the device ignites, creating a deadly scorching cyclone. *Titan: Electrified Snare: throw an explosive device energized with Strand matter and Arc energy that detonates in a supercharged suspending burst. The suspended target takes heavy damage over time and chains jolting lightning to any nearby targets. *Warlock: Freezing Singularity: Throw a mass of Void energy and Stasis matter. On impact, it deploys a miniature black hole orbited by a halo of slowing ice. After a short duration, the black hole implodes, suppressing and dealing heavy damage to all nearby targets.
Fragments are one time unlocks across all classes, many based on single element ones with less restrictions
Brand New Super and Aspect for Each Class (fairly certain these are also available in the Traditional Elemental classes as originally announced)
- Arc Hunter: Storm’s Edge Super and Aspect Ascension
- Void Titan: Twilight Arsenal Super and Unbreakable Aspect
- Solar Warlock: Song of Flame Super and Hellion Aspect
Starting in Season of the Wish (and continuing in The Final Shape), we’re making a number of quality-of-life changes to improve Stasis’s reliability in combat, and we’re reevaluating some of our previous tuning changes for Stasis abilities with the goal of bringing them up to the current abilities power bar.These aren’t the only changes for Stasis that we have in the works, and we have some long-requested changes for a future release that we’ll discuss once they’re closer. Here’s a quick sneak preview: A new Stasis keyword we're tentatively calling Frost Armor, aimed at addressing some of the player feedback regarding survivability when running Stasis, particularly when not using Whisper of Rime and Whisper of Chains. Additional tuning changes and reworks to existing Stasis Fragments. Adding additional behavior to the Harvest Aspects. (TWiD 11/22/2023)
Episodes and Dungeons
- New Structure for the Year 7 Content on Onward
- 4 Season->3 Episodes
The three first Episodes (Echoes, Revenant, and Heresy) will be focused on the consequences and the aftermath of The Final Shape. One of the narrative goals is to tell standalone stories that are easy to follow even if you haven't played previous content. Episodes will also deliver more frequent story beats, compared to Seasons, so players can expect to experience new bursts of storytelling told through Acts. (Final Shape Reveal Showcase Recap)
Each Episode will be split into three Acts. Each Act will launch around every six weeks with new story elements, new quests, new rewards to earn, and more. The first Act of an Episode will feel packed with a big offering of new stuff to do and chase, and the second and third Acts will expand the Episode experience with more activities, story, and rewards, along with new additions to rank rewards such as Exotic ships. (Final Shape Reveal Showcase Recap)
On top of the new story planned for each Episode, each one will have a new Exotic weapon and a new Exotic Mission, as well as new Legendary weapons, additional Artifact perks, and 200 Pass ranks split across the three Acts. The first 100 ranks and their rewards will be available during the initial Act of each Episode, and the second and third Acts will each have 50 more ranks. It’s a similar idea for the Artifacts perks: the first Act will have 25 available and establish a particular meta, then the two following Acts will unlock another five perks each, to make your existing builds grow even further. (Final Shape Reveal Showcase Recap)
Final Shape Dungeon Key includes 2 new Dungeons for Year 7
No word on how Episodes interact with the DCV
Confirmed Weapons:
- Khovostov 7G-0X
- Red Death (Echoes Pass Exotic)
- Tesselation (Preorder)
- Unnamed "Golden Gun" Sniper Rifle
- Unnamed "Traveler Beam" Trace Rifle
- Exotic Weapon on each Episode Pass
- Exotic Mission in each Episode
Unconfirmed Weapons but highly likely:
- Raid Exotic
- Dungeon Exotic #1
- Dungeon Exotic #2
Exotic Armor
- Exotic class items that are random rolled with 2 exotic perks. Only work with Prismatic. Have some exotic perks previously only available to one class
New Weapon Archetypes and Tuning
Rocket Pistol Special Sidearms (Debuted Early in Warlord's Ruin)
Support Frame Auto rifle: Fire at Enemies to damage them. Fire at Allies to Heal them
Chris Proctor Weapons team is always coming up with new ideas, we've got a ton of cool new stuff coming over the next few years (Final Shape Reveal Showcase)
In The Final Shape, we’re rebalancing many weapon types in PvE, buffing underperforming weapons, and leaving most high performers untouched. Since we’re looking at PvE weapon tuning anyway, over the course of the year of The Final Shape we’ll be looking at weapon mods that feel mandatory, and we intend to make some changes that will increase player choice, particularly in PvE. We’re also making substantial changes to several of the least used Exotic weapons (we see a lot of requests for these, see if you can guess which Exotics we touched), and adjusting some perks (including a long-requested change to Chill Clip, making it more viable to use on slower-firing weapons). (TWiD 2/14/2024)
In the patch that will launch with The Final Shape, we will have a host of new changes for you to try. Some highlights to look forward to are: Necrochasm will be getting a buff to extend the duration of the poison damage-over-time effect it applies from the Cursed Thrall explosion. It will also have a new catalyst called One for Thrall, which grants a moderate period of increased damage, range, and aim assist after you damage three enemies in quick succession. Damaging three more enemies while the perk is active refreshes the timer. Buffs to Truth, Colony, and Dead Man’s Tale as well as other Exotic weapons. (Dev Isnsights: Season 23 Weapon Tuning Preview)
While we believe crafting is more in line with our original vision since the launch The Witch Queen, we're still making necessary changes to the system and are in the middle of developing a large crafting-related feature targeted for The Final Shape year. We'll provide more details about these upcoming changes after they've spent a bit more time in the oven. (Dev Insights: Season 22 Weapon Tuning Preview)
From Bungie:
- Final Shape Reveal Showcase
- Final Shape Developer Gameplay Preview
- Final Shape Reveal Showcase Recap
- Final Shape Main Page
- Into the Light + Final Shape Recap
- Joe Blackburn Dev Insight Summary
- Prismatic Deep Dive
- TWiD 2/14/2024
- Dev Insights: Season 23 Weapon Tuning Preview
- TWiD 11/22/2023
- Dev Insights: Season 22 Weapon Tuning Preview
- State of the Game: August 2023
Anyone who want to use this for an article or video is free to do so with credit!