Glaives could use a **small** dr bump in pvp

I know that glaives blocking golden guns was way too much. Flat 75% DR was absolutely insane and I think we can all agree that was a bit too much.

Now it's blanket 50%, dropped to 30% against primaries and melee.

I feel like it would be much better tuned at 50% across the board and 60% against specials. As it is now, there really is no contest. If you're close enough to do a shoot > melee combo, you're close enough to take a single shotgun shot and die. If you're playing at range and using the shield to land 2 shots, you'll just take primary fire and die.

There's not really a good way to counter the shotgun part, because if you're that close you're going for the melee and likely not blocking anyways. But with clutch timing you may be able to block the shotgun shot for 60% DR to give you a tactical edge. And the 50% DR against primary will let your special weapon actually have a duel advantage against primaries, as it should.

I don't want to see everyone using a glaive again, I just want them to have some sort of role. Right now it's actively a downgrade.