What seasons have you rewatched the most?

For me it’s ACoFaF, because the Cousins are such a laugh riot, Lou and Emily just feeding back into each other and one-upping each “yes-and…” prompt they give each other. The sheer laugh a minute count is off the charts. Everything else is great too, I love the epistolary mechanic, the letters they write to each other are often also comedic gold. It’s just such a fun season, with romance, political intrigue, and too much comedy to properly convey.

My next choice is Starstruck, and the only reason it’s second is because I’m not as big a fan of battles, so some episodes just aren’t as interesting for me, like the jail break, or the hot exit through Skiff Fest. I will say however, Battle of the Brands is one of my all time favourite episodes because it’s a master class in how to do a battle with stakes properly, but otherwise I don’t pay as much attention to the fighting episodes. The casino, both the utensils episode, and the roll outside Mas Vegas are some of the top TTRPG content I’ve ever seen.

So what are the seasons you’re rewatched the most, and what brings you back to them over and over?