What If I was in Disventure Camp All Stars(Yellow Team version)
What If I was in Disventure Camp Season 1 Prequel: https://www.reddit.com/r/DisventureCamp/s/aSF8rvdiVr
So last time I did this type of What If, I ended up placing myself on Magenta Team since they had the first loss in canon, but now I decided to try this concept again and see how I’d fare on the other two teams. I decided to try Yellow Team first since it’s more of a challenge compared to Cyan Team. So without further ado, let’s begin.
Episode 1: Not gonna say much about this episode but all you really need to know from my season one connections is that I’m friends with Ellie and Gabby, hold grudges on Alec, Grett, and Fiore and everyone else is more or less up in the air. I don’t have an opinion on the season two competitors yet other than already disliking Yul.
Episode 2: For this team, I’d probably be revolted at the idea of Grett and Yul being a couple and also be a little annoyed at how Riya’s treating Connor. So like Alec, I’d probably offer to let him vent to me if he needs to.
Like the last time I did this, I would probably end up being on the defense with Alec, Miriam, and Riya. We’d likely still get second, although Riya would probably take some sort of jab at me for not being very strong on defense to which I’d likely just roll my eyes at.
Episode 3: In this episode, I’d probably just let Yul and Riya bicker like children while Connor tries to defuse it. I don’t see myself pressuring Riya to apologize to Connor since… I’m not an idiot and I know she won’t, plus all I’d end up doing is pissing her off more than she already likely is at this point.
In the challenge, I’d probably end up partnering up with Alec and Miriam since Grett would want to be alone with Yul and would probably believe that Connor and Riya would work better as a duo. Since I’m here, I doubt Miriam would confront Alec about manipulating Jake since I doubt Miriam would want to drag me into that conflict. As for when we meet up with Fiore, I’d probably agree to sabotage Cyan Team to help our team and Magenta win the challenge. While Ellie is my friend in this universe, I’d probably be confident in her survival since she has Tess and Gabby by her side.
So just like that, I’m safe once again and Lake’s elimination proceeds as normal.
Episode 4: I’d probably be a part of Alec and Connor’s conversation since out of the entire team, they’re the only ones I feel like I’d actually want to be around and would probably try to encourage Connor to find his own path in life away from Riya like Alec did.
This is the episode where the Villains’ Alliance was formed and I did question if Alec would invite me in since I have worked with him before. Ultimately, I decided that he would bring me in since I did show willingness to let Cyan Team lose the challenge last episode, I voted to save Fiore in the Lill elimination last season, Alec wouldn’t want to go to a tiebreaker with Grett and Yul, and Ellie would be less likely to backstab the alliance if I’m not in complete danger.
As for if I join this alliance, I’d definitely be reluctant but join nonetheless since numbers are numbers after all.
For the challenge, it likely goes the same but I end up taking Alec’s spot in going against Ellie in the final round since I’m the only member who hasn’t gone in this timeline. I’m pretty sure I end up throwing it since Alec would likely whisper at me to do so. I wouldn’t really question it and do so since even if Ellie has the numbers, they won’t do much if her team constantly loses, so we still lose.
Miriam would then expose the Villains’ Alliance like she did in canon and while I can see her mentioning how Alec caused my elimination in season one to try and turn me against him, ultimately I’d probably still vote for Miriam like the others since betraying such a large alliance has plenty of risks and I have no guarantee that Riya, Grett, and Yul will flip.
Episode 5: At the beginning of the episode, I would likely figure out that Riya voted for Yul in the last elimination since Connor wouldn’t seem like the type to lie about voting against him, especially since he has no reason to considering he’s screwed either way and out of the other options, Grett is his girlfriend and Alec made the alliance in the first place so it had to be her. Obviously I’d say nothing since it doesn’t benefit me either way and I would actually approve of Riya’s move.
For this challenge, I’d likely end up running with Riya and both of us would end up finding out from Fiore that our Villains’ Alliance is exposed which would worry the heck out of me. However, I likely wouldn’t throw this challenge since Riya likely wouldn’t let me and no matter who loses, I likely lose an ally anyway(if Yellow loses: Connor goes home, if Magenta loses: Fiore goes home, and if Cyan loses: Ellie might go home) and out of the three, I prefer to lose Fiore.
So Magenta Team still loses like in canon and Hunter gets blindsided.
Episode 6: I’d likely end up doing the songwriting with Alec and Connor, likely cringing at the idea of Connor writing a love song to win Riya back, but I’d still end up bonding with them nonetheless. Our team would still lose because of Riya and while I would entertain the idea of eliminating Yul over Connor, I’d probably still vote Connor out anyway. Since Riya voted for Yul last time, I’d have reassurance that she’d likely do it again and Alec’s smart enough to realize how dangerous keeping a power couple over me is.
Episode 7: I’d probably be traveling along with Alec and Riya this episode while searching for the giant rubber balls and all three of us would all come to the same conclusion that Connor sent the note exposing the Villains’ Alliance, while I would be a bit miffed, I’d probably respect the move although I wouldn’t vocalize it.
At the second part of the challenge, I would probably be pushing along with Grett who would likely try to convince me to target Alec at the next elimination. The reason I believe she’d do this is because Alec screwed her over last time and unlike last time where it was a guarantee it would be a tie, this time she has a way to take the majority. She’d probably bring up Alec’s impressive track record with Fiore last time and how he betrayed me last time, probably saying something like: “Even if Miriam was an easy out, she did have a point that Alec screwed us both over last time, do you want that to happen again?” and given Grett is much nicer and approachable in this season, I’d probably tell her I’ll consider it and genuinely mean it a little.
Either way, our team would win the challenge thanks to Alec’s log idea and Magenta Team eliminates Fiore after her safety net had worn out.
Episode 8: My reaction to Fiore’s elimination would be neutral since I saw it coming either way but I would be a little worried for Ellie’s fate on Cyan Team.
For the challenge, this would be my first time seeing Yul’s abuse on Grett unfold live but before I could even think to formulate a response to Yul’s disgusting comments, Alec would already be forcing him to go up the air ducts, making me laugh at him along with Alec and Riya. Other than that, I wouldn’t do much this episode and everything plays out the same. Cyan Team still loses and Tess unfortunately backstabs Ellie.
Episode 9: This is the episode where Alec’s casual child neglect gets mentioned and Yul goes off on Grett. While I would definitely be disgusted by Alec’s actions, it would be overshadowed by my overwhelming shock and disgust at Yul’s behavior towards Grett. Since I like to avoid conflict, I wouldn’t get involved but would walk off with Riya and Grett since I wouldn’t want to be near Alec and Yul right now, though I’d probably just make the excuse that I need to decompose after witnessing that argument so I’d likely be there to witness Riya and Grett’s conversation.
Unlike Riya, I wouldn’t victim blame Grett but I would tell her that she should honestly reconsider dating Yul but at the same time, I’m not going to fight her battles for her. Call it selfish of me to do, but I’d rather not risk being the target of Yul’s ire.
I still think our team and Cyan still lose the challenge and while I would be tempted to use the joint elimination as a chance to send Yul home, I unfortunately would not be able to since Aiden and the others are targeting Riya and unlike Yul, I don’t want her gone. It’s too risky either way since I’d be on the bottom of Yellow Team’s totem pole if I betray the other villains. Since our team holds the majority for the vote, there’s no need to flip Gabby so all of us would just agree that Tom is the best option to eliminate and he goes home. Oh no, Tom’s gone before he can talk to Jake… oh how I weep for h-, no I don’t.
Episode 10: For this challenge, I imagine the groups would be like this: Jake and Ashley, Aiden, Tess, Ally, and Gabby, Alec and Riya, Me, Grett, and Yul.
Jake and Ashley would likely still get separated by Alec and Riya and I think I’d be too distracted by Yul and Grett’s most recent soap opera to notice Aiden’s group before we all end up being shot down by him, Tess, and Ally. Gabby would likely be a bit upset by this since me and Grett did nothing wrong and were distracted by Yul being an asshole, but Aiden would just sharply interject by saying we are the enemy, annoying Gabby even more.
Since Ashley would likely be able to take down Riya without Tom accidentally shooting her, you’d think Alec would be screwed but if Aiden still accidentally shoots Jake, it could distract the heroes long enough for Alec to get them all by surprise and win the challenge.
Jake and Aiden would then still campaign to get each other out which would make me nearly widen my eyes in shock at their sheer stupidity but I think as a safety insurance, our Villains’ Alliance would likely talk to Gabby about swapping to our side not only since Tess betrayed her and Ellie but the heroes have already proved to not be the most stable group. She’d likely agree to this instantly and suggest targeting Tess. I probably would be okay with this so in a 6-3-2 vote, Tess is out of the game and while Jake wouldn’t have the same emotional breakdown he did in canon, he would feel bad at the fact an innocent person had to suffer due to his actions, especially once Ashley gives him the silent treatment. She’s not mad, just disappointed.
Episode 11: Like the last time I did this, I’m removing myself from competing in the Comeback Challenge due to me technically being shot by the paintball first. Since Ashley’s now in the game in place of Tom, I think she takes his role as Miriam’s partner while Jake gets Tom as his partner. For the former pair, I think they’d talk about Jake and Miriam would give advice to Ashley on how to handle him while Jake and Tom would start to hash things out with Tom apologizing for the boyfriend lie.
Even without Ashley, I imagine Tom would still pulley Jake and once Jake gets dropped back into the water thanks to Riya, Tom is totally breaking Alec’s pulley as payback to make sure Fiore can’t back in. Yes, he would totally do this, he threatened to shoot her in the VR simulation after all. So Connor still returns to the game.
Episode 12: During the pre-challenge, I would actually be a little thrilled Connor returned to the game instead of Fiore, because if he holds no grudges against me for voting him out, he’d likely be willing to help me vote off Yul in the future. As for what I’d do during the pre-challenge, I’d probably be strategizing with Alec and Riya since Gabby would likely have that covered anyway.
As for what happens in the actual challenge, I’m not really going to be giving my fullest effort in this one. Even if I have the villains on my side, I’d rather not deal with Ashley or Connor. Either way, Alec would win immunity and invite Riya to the dinner while Connor would still bring the heroes together with his speech.
For the vote, I think the heroes would target Yul in this version because the villains have a majority in this universe and not only is Yul the most disliked, the heroes have reason to believe he can be flipped on. The villains target Ashley for her challenge strength.
This vote could really go either way, and while Connor would likely talk to me about voting Yul and I honestly think I’d accept and get Gabby in on it as well. Because of this, Yul is eliminated in a 7-4 vote and curses everyone out and breaks up with Grett in a hateful manner like he did in the last What If.
Episode 13: Despite Alec and Riya being stressed at the fact that me and Gabby flipped, I think they’d still get drunk, open up, and kiss like canon and since Aiden is still here, he’d still see the kiss.
In the morning, Gabby and I would likely try to comfort Grett about what happened at the last elimination ceremony and while she wouldn’t hold Yul’s elimination against us, she’d still be in a bit of a funk thanks to the whole breakup ordeal. As for Ashley, I think she’d be mostly spending time with Ally since Jake’s starting to warm up to the other heroes and I think Ashley would be able to sense that Ally’s a bit lonely.
For the challenge, like the last time I did this What If, I would end up getting the electricity power since I would like that power and Yul’s no longer here while Ashley would likely get the ability to control plants I suppose since she works on a farm. Idk, I wasn’t sure what power to give her. During the challenge, I imagine me, Gabby, and Grett would travel together and face Ashley, Ally, and Connor. While I do think Gabby and Grett can take all three out, I do feel like I’d be taken out by Ashley after getting Ally out. In the end, I imagine Jake, Aiden, Gabby, and Grett would all win immunity since I can easily see Connor and Ashley using their powers to deal with Ned and sacrifice themselves so Jake and Aiden can win immunity which in turn gives Gabby and Grett immunity.
Afterwards, I imagine Aiden would reveal the AleRiya kiss in order to try and split our votes against them but all it really does is break Connor’s heart. Since the only people not immune are me, Alec, Riya, Ally, Ashley, and Connor, Riya would want Connor gone but I’d probably advocate for Ashley’s elimination instead since she’s the biggest threat left in the heroes and I wouldn’t want to vote off Connor since he just got his heart broken although I wouldn’t mention that. Alec, Grett, and Gabby would probably agree with that so Riya is cornered into voting off Ashley in a 5-5 split against Alec. For simplicity sake, let’s just say Derek gives Kristal the idea to use Trevor’s tiebreaker and since Alec has the double knotting method, he barely wins against Ashley so she’s out.
Episode 14: Like I did the last time I did this type of What If, I’m swapping the truth challenge and the TikTok challenge. I think Riya would still try to flip Ally to her side since she wants to regain some control of her game. As for the immunity totem situation, I think Grett, Gabby, and I would split off from each other to find the totem since it makes it less obvious we’re a trio and it’s easier to find the totem that way. Grett would still find it but since she can’t climb the tree, she’d still make her deal with Connor and Jake. She’d start regaining her confidence because of this.
Now for the lie detector challenge, like I said the last time I made this type of What If, I’d likely fall willingly if I feel like I can’t hold the weights anymore and so I don’t have to answer any difficult questions. The challenge would likely come down to Jake and Gabby instead of Jake and Ally since I think Gabby is strong enough to hold the weights and honest enough to not get penalized due to a lie. I still think Jake would win immunity though since Gabby could easily be tripped up on a question involving any regrets she might have about how she handled the Ellie situation.
For this vote, I think Ally would still agree to work with Alec and Riya to blindside Aiden but instead of actively voting Aiden herself, she’d vote for Riya under false pretenses while Aiden is voted out in a 5-4 vote but while Grett wouldn’t know of Ally and Riya’s deal, I do think she’d tell Jake and Connor that the vote is on Aiden so Connor uses his totem on Aiden, sending Riya home but she may have sprouted the seeds of Ally’s villain arc.
Episode 15: The pairs for this challenge are pretty much the same as canon but I end up replacing Riya as Aiden’s partner and the rules of this challenge change to where the last pair to make it gets eliminated in a double elimination. And since I wouldn’t really sabotage the boats, the Alec/Connor and Grett/Gabby pairings would have a better chance at making it to the end. With that said, that means me and Aiden are likely eliminated since the other two pairs are more athletic than us. Other than getting a goodbye from Grett and Gabby, my elimination is pretty basic while Aiden gets goodbyes from Jake and Connor. So yeah, I got eliminated but this What If isn’t over yet.
Episode 16: Without Ally’s flip against Aiden being public knowledge, I imagine she’d be able to make it to the top of the hill and be able to compete to finish her puzzle but I still think Grett wins the challenge like she did in canon. The votes seem to be an obvious tie but once Ally tells Alec, Grett, and Gabby she’s willing to vote off Jake with them, he’s out of the game.
Episode 17: During this episode, Connor and Alec would start rekindling their friendship while Grett and Gabby are only getting closer which means Ally still feels lonely and is getting more and more bitter because of it. Other than Gabby getting Jake’s horse and Alec getting Riya’s horse, everyone else gets the same horses as canon.
Alec would probably be launched onto a tree branch like Riya was and Connor would still save him but unlike Riya, Alec wouldn’t backstab Connor and allow him to win immunity but at the cost of being eliminated in a 3-2 vote by Ally, Grett, and Gabby who would be annoyed by Alec’s sacrifice. Alec would still thank Connor for everything he did for him and he’d leave with his head held high.
Episode 18: In the beginning of this episode, Connor and Ally realize that they need to put their petty beef aside so that they can take down the Grett and Gabby duo. Because of this, I think they’d have a similar heart to heart like canon. During the challenge, Ally did really well on her own and with her and Connor teaming up, Ally is pretty much guaranteed to win immunity, plus I’m pretty sure Gabby would be having a mini-arc about backstabbing Grett this episode instead of the TikTok episode so that’d likely distract them, even though Gabby would end up deciding to stay loyal to Grett.
Both duos would target Connor and Gabby respectively since Grett and Gabby can only vote for Connor and Ally and Connor view Gabby as the easiest to beat in a tiebreaker. Since I don’t want this to be a complete friendship finale and both of them have a good chance at winning the tie, I would give Connor the win for the tiebreaker.
Final Three: Ally vs Connor vs Grett
So yeah, like last time I’m gonna leave the final three episodes up to you to see how they’d go. I do generally prefer this elimination order more than my Magenta Team version but I feel like the Magenta Team version was an overall more enjoyable experience for me to write. I guess it evens out in the end.