We're 8 Episode In...
We’re eight episodes in and Zaid still doesn’t have anything outside of Ivy, making him the most boring character this season. He has only supported and helped Ivy, barely interacting with few other characters. Honestly, I’m fine with the idea of him getting voted out soon because Zaid hasn’t given me anything to make me care about him as a character. Even Ivy is more interesting due to her conflicts with Jade and Spencer and her developing relationships with Hannah and Benji. I’ll take her over Zaid at this point because she’s giving me something as a character and making the show more interesting.
We’re slightly more than a quarter into season four and there’s just nothing more to Zaid than being Ivy’s love interest and if ONC doesn’t plan on doing more with him than this, then they need to eliminate him asap. Either give him more as a character or make way for more compelling ones.