Best caster classes/subclasses for a mini arena campaign
I’m joining a mini arena campaign (just a quick session lasting a few hours) and we are allowed to prepare and try out as many characters as we want. We will be starting at lvl 2 and leveling up fairly quickly. This session is basically a sandbox session designed to trial out the characters we wish to play in the real campaign, which will be happening in the next week.
I want to play a caster class of sorts but I’m nervous about survivability in an arena setting. I’ve already been made aware that I’ll be going up against several melee classes (barbarians, fighters, paladins) but I won’t be entirely alone.
I’ve considered a Bladesinger or even a Divine Soul Sorcerer but I’m a little stumped. Would love any suggestions you guys might have!
- If all else fails, I know I can’t go wrong with an evocation wizard but I am looking for a little more of an interesting play style other than just casting fireball on repeat haha.