Man’s build was so bad the DM planned around 3 combatants instead of 4
Intentionally took con and int as dump stats for a wizard. Wanted to be a “persuasive and dexterous bladesinger”. But she also wanted the fact that she wasn’t a good spellcaster to be a defining characteristic…
We told her to just play rogue but they wouldn’t budge. They die very early in many fights because they give the dm no reason to go around them to attack us as they’re like a rabid hamster in the opponents face slashing away or casting spells with pathetically low saves.
Yes, she’s having fun even when going down. But, I told her that I’m having to waste costly resources just to keep her alive each combat. I eventually just said: “if she goes down next combat, I only have one diamond left. I’m not going to waste it on a liability. Either stay in the back with a bow or cast spells from there.” And OOC: “your character is persuasive and combined with my cleric’s religion, that’s the only reason why my character hasn’t left them to die after the 3rd Leroy Jenkins. It won’t happen a fourth time.”
Edit: for clarity we tried to get her to try swords bard, rogue, and other classes. She doesn’t listen to our requests that she does not go head on into the crowds of monsters and the entire party has to keep babying her character or she’ll inevitably die. It’s been siphoning our fun and we’re going to have a meeting soon.