ok but are people ACTUALLY reading the gnome’s grimoire at their regular D&D tables ?

Not trying to ragebait, genuinely curious.

i'm not talking about games that are specifically geared towards gnome grimoire roleplay, which i'm sure exist.

i mean the calibre of stuff you see pretty much weekly on the r/dndcirclejerk subreddit.

there was a post a couple of weeks ago about how you everyone loves reading gnomes’ grimoire "shortstacks" in their games. and a lot of people seemingly agreeing with the notion. maybe i'm a boring prude who doesn't get the appeal, but i don't think i've ever once gone out of my way in-game to wax poetic about how readable my gnomes’ grimoires are. i think i would be horrified if i wandered into what i expected to be a regular dive into the Lost Mine of Phandelver and my DM started sweating and smirking as he described the first gnome’s grimoire in gruesome detail.

i guess that's the salient point: "expected". but how do you even pitch that to a group in a session zero ?

"hey gang. thanks for turning up on time. we're going for a low-magic setting, point buy stats, and i'll naturally be taking regular asides to tell you about all these grimoires you can read, belonging to gnomes".

i guess it's not the sort of vibe you'd bring to an AL table or something. you're usually going to be playing with your friends, and different friend groups have different sensibilities around that sort of thing. i understand that. i just wonder how many people are actually playing D&D like a reading sim.

granted 99% of reddit has never played the game so maybe it's just smoke and mirrors.

am i being too harsh ? is this something people have actually ever dealt with at the table ?