My camping is not a video game

Help Guys my camping is treated like a video game. Every encounter my party makes is just about who gets the most exp. Who loots first and who kills the most people. Everything is ooc and my party does not like pitching tents or sleeping under the stars at all as they think its kinda cringe but still try it. Also killing a woodpecker then reviving it and then seducing it is really one exemple of how Frustrating this is. And then they are mad at me if i say no because i am "abusing my camp counselor power" only because i want serious camping. But my group are just like the baddest of bad guys i know. They don't care about the other disadvantaged kids at camp especially if their upbringing is sad. Other campers get laughed at because my voice is not that deep and i'm female who tries to play a male camp counselor. Also beeing evil isn't wrong. But it is when your campers consistently commit crimes against nature 😭