An odd dream which belongs in a sequence of dreams that by itself doesn't do anything to me, but when I add on the thought of "wolves" I cry uncontrollably.
If someone wants the full string of dreams feel free to ask but I'll only say that the only dream with a direct relation to this one was the first one. In that dream I had learned that the Ainu people of Hokkaido formed a republic with Alaska prompting a national campaign to "Hunt Grand Alaska".
Grand Alaska is a person and from another dream I learned that in high school they wore a pink ski mask.
The dream that incites this response is a dream where I did research on the Hunt for Grand Alaska and came across a government document which was declassified. On the document was an expunged name that I did research on and, after a while, I came to the conclusion that the person with the expunged name had an ability that made it so that if dangerous came their way, their body would adapt with some sick ass modifications like tentacles or mantis arms.
After waking up 2 thoughts came: The first was me amending my discovery about the ability the expunged name person had, their ability was actually because they could set up "save points" and every time they died, they'd return to a save point and get a random, tiny modification to their body. The second one was wolves.
Once I thought about wolves in the context of this dream (and even now, while I'm typing this out), I get a odd feeling. I think it might be horror but I can't really tell, it's just not good that much is for certain. I also start crying uncontrollably while thinking about wolves and this dream.
Note: Wolves do not appear anywhere in this dream, I did not hear them, see them, smell them, or do anything with them. Further, I have quite positive feelings with wolves by themself, I think they're quite cute after all. But only with the context of me thinking about this dream does this feeling get incited. Further, thinking about the dream by itself doesn't generate this feeling.
What does this even mean bruh?