A Well-trained wife
This is Duggar adjacent so let me know if it’s not allowed!
I learned of Tia Levings because of Shiny Happy People and I’ve followed her blog since then. She is very well spoken and very articulate.
Her book is so well written, and I think it gives a look at how women like Michelle could be brought into this sect. I shows how it’s easy to believe that you’re doing right by following these teachings that completely contradict who you are. If you’re failing, it’s because you don’t believe in god enough.
I’m almost half-way, I just got the “Angel” part. IYKYK. I was sobbing when I read that section. I’m heart broken that such a strong woman subjected herself to that. I’m heartbroken that an institution teaches woman that they’re meant to serve their husbands. I’m heartbroken that woman are told to not trust themselves and their instincts.
I’m rambling at this point…. Women trust yourselves. Women take care each other. Fuck the patriarchy.