Can't stop questioning. Never satisfied. Driving myself insane. (vent)
Everything is muddled.
My obsession with the enneagram fills a hole in my identity, but every time I think I find the missing piece, the hole changes shape. I learn something new about myself and rethink everything quite deliberately.
Something in me feels that if I can put a name to myself, a trait, a number, an ideology or religion, I will be okay. And it must be good by all standards.
What I am is inherently not good. I am untalented, unfocused, unproductive, unfriendly, noncommittal, and so deeply distracted in regards to reality. I am not a good person at heart and I carry this weight with me everywhere I go. People try to tell me different but I know it's true and nobody will ever convince me otherwise. My biggest fear is that I'm doomed to being a bad person, never knowing, never growing out of it. I get extra sensitive when it seems that other people see it as well.
So I try to put on an image of being good and easygoing. I'm very humorous, laughing hides a lot of things very easily. I consciously 'play dumb'. When I notice things I think to myself, "should I say it? What if my knowledge somehow threatens the other? I need to know what they think before I reveal myself".
At first, I believed I was a 9 due to this 'going along'. Yet I knew it wasn't reality because merging and dissociation and wasn't the pathology behind this behavior. I wasn't a people-pleaser by any means: the words "no", "never", "not a chance", "they're [insult]", "you're wrong" are part of my daily vocabulary. I have too much of a superego to be a 9. I *care* far too much, I just don't show others that I care because it opens my ideas up to contamination by their personal beliefs.
People do not see things the way I do a lot of times. Either it's that I am genuinely misinformed or missing something that they have, or they are not as understanding as I am. A lot of people just don't think, or at least from my perspective they don't. I don't get how someone could live their life just *doing* things unplanned. I have to plan and know **everything**, I cannot move otherwise. This unmoving is incredibly frustrating for me but I must know. I just must.
So I tried settling down on a type and moving on. Haphazardly chose 4 and took a break to focus on reality. Reality presents me with how fucked of a soul I am. So I found myself googling "how to be more x", "how to brainwash myself into becoming x", "how do x people think" so I can become good. Conscientious, productive, loving, attractive, etc. I found out who I want to be: I want to be an untouchable yet attractive emaciated enigma that adheres to personal standards and rules. This sounds perfect, right? I finally have an answer! I know now!
Wrong. Chatgpt is tired of me hitting the rate limit of asking "what are personal values", "examples of standards", "qualities of attractive people". I also found out that I am a piss poor friend, not through criticism, but general observation of myself and how I view others. My questions started to include, "how to actually love someone", "love languages", "how to put more effort into relationships".
Tired of the questions, I decided to just **do**. Stop asking, start preforming. I made a simple habit tracker for myself dedicated to just going to sleep at 11:30pm. I also bought and constructed a bed for myself. Surely I will feel a sense of accomplishment, self-respect, and pride and realize my true self by sticking to this!
WRONG. All sleeping 8 hours does is make me want to sleep *more* which is very fucking inconvenient for every aspect of my life, and putting up a bed doesn't mean anything. I also recently completed a public speaking presentation that everyone praised me for but none of it hits me. Nothing feels like me nothing is me nothing is real or true or good nothing not a single fucking thing.
I'm just so tired of searching. I've resorted to asking people, "how do you see me?" only to be very dissatisfied with their responses. I hate myself more than I ever have before and nothing brings me enough reassurance to do anything at all. I could chalk this all up to not intrinsically valuing relationships, status, accomplishments, but that's just wrong. I have to start valuing these things or else I'll never be anything at all but it's just so hard. I just want to be something but nothing is satisfying and I can't sleep or do anything besides compulsively google every question I have. I don't trust myself enough to act.
I just wanna become, man.