Addressing the most annoying misconceptions about the enneagram

Most people when they first learn about enneagram think it's about core fears and desires, and for many people it stays that way. Enneagram is about much more than that; on a more complex level it covers instinctual subtypes, fixations, passions, defence mechanisms, neurosis and trait structures. Core fears and desires is an extremely superficial way of looking at the enneagram and has lead to countless mistypes.

If you found your type using the eclectic energies test, you are probably mistyped. I tested this website out by answering it as if I was different types. Turns out if you answer it like an SX1 it thinks you are an SX8, if you answer it like an SX8 it thinks you are an SX7, and if you answer it like an SO9 it thinks you are an SO2.

This highlights the glaring misconceptions that many people have about certain types, especially 2, 7 and 8.

  1. Many people think E2s are all sweet, innocent, kind and caring people who want to help others. What they think is an E2 is actually an SO9, a nurturing motherly figure who caters to others' needs. In reality, E2 is a prideful and assertive type who enjoys being the centre of attention and wants to be admired by others. Their passion, "Pride", manifests as a need to be the most important, popular and special person in the room, the one who everyone loves and looks up to. SO2s and SX2s are especially assertive types who often get mistaken for type 8s. SO2s are ambitious types who aspire to conquer their social environment and become powerful and influential figures. SX2s are hedonistic types who attract a partner with a "vampire-like" seduction.
  2. Many people associate E7 with being fun-loving, enthusiastic and extroverted. While this is usually true, it leads to them conflating E7 with Se because they are both pleasure seeking. This is actually not true. E7 is a highly idealistic, intellectual and future-oriented type that repaints the world around them into their own imagined fantasy to escape the boredom of the physical world, making it mostly incompatible with Se doms who are the most realistic types and see the world as it is. I'm not making this up, this is all in the original theory. RHETI ruined it with their core fears and desires which reduced E7 to nothing more than pleasure-seeking partying "enthusiasts".
  3. Many people still see E8 as the "leader" type and think they are bossy, controlling and angry. This is simply not true. What people think is an E8 is actually an SX1, a Gordon Ramsay type person who gives orders and criticizes people with a tendency to by angry and demanding. While E1's passion is wrath, E8's passion is lust. They have a passion for seeking pleasure in the real world and getting what they want. They are easily bored and are constantly looking for new and exciting experiences to satisfy their lust: nice food, good sex, fun parties, interesting people, adrenaline-inducing sports etc. This causes them to also be rebellious and anti-authority as they desire freedom against the restraints that stop them from getting what they want. They are more often rebels than leaders. The "leader" title is better suited to other types like the SO1, SX1, SO2 and SO3.

Read a book, guys. Don't use Truity descriptions.