My second meeting with a potential client went well

I wanted to just celebrate because that was a mistake I have always made, is to keep moving the goal post and not celebrating.

Yesterday at 7:00pm after work I met with my first potential client. This was our second meeting and after a few months of me following up. This is not a closed sale but we had our systems ideation meeting yesterday where I offered to create one system for free for her. I was nervous as I've created systems before and self doubt crept it but she accepted.

She wants me to create the system and said that if this goes well we can look at paid work. I am so happy.

I get to do what I am passionate about and create systems. I am obsessed with systems from the human body systems, to fungi systems and even air traffic controller systems and now I am one step closer to helping people to create systems. I like to say I help people's who have made a mess of their work flow. I am a system seeker because they are there in the tasks and processes you just have to look.

Today is a good day and I can do my job knowing that tonight I get to work on my passion which could bring in a second income. It given me a hope that I feel is lost when you become an adult.