No OIT if you have EoE?


My daughter was recently diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis and she has quite a few food allergies. She’s allergic to dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, sesame and some legumes. She’s only 3 and we’ve been seeing an allergist and GI.

Our allergist is really dedicated to OIT and had been encouraging us to start but suspected my daughter had EoE. She referred us to GI which confirmed it after an biopsy during an endoscopy.

But now we’re stuck - we cut out dairy and her EoE is under control but not medicated. But she isn’t a good candidate for OIT because it would cause her internal discomfort and inflammation. But her allergies are anaphylactic and I wanted to help her. She has eczema and asthma so she takes budesonide on the nebulizer but she’s suggesting oral budesonide or dupixent. But why would I give her medication for life when it’s under control after eliminating her EoE trigger.

Apparently EoE is defined as >15 eosinophils per hpf and she was >100.