The Menoa-Tree
I know that for many, the discussion or the topic has been sucked out. But whenever I read the books again, theories go through my mind again about what the Menoa tree might have taken from eragon.
One of the theories doesn't let me go, as something bothers me about the course of history. Eragon is still very young, even if he is a dragon rider, lives forever and has been gifted with enormous knowledge, you just can't deny that.
In the course of the books, he grows beyond himself and also becomes wiser and more mature in terms of romance and relationships. However, this is a point where I started thinking strongly about this somehow sudden change, because if you are honest with yourself, the time is simply not enough to grow to this extent. I notice this in myself, my emotional maturity at the age of 25 is still like that of a child and I have the feeling that it is still possible for many at my age.
So now I come to my theory (Please dont hate me, if somebody already wrote a similar one): As we know, the woman from the Menoa tree has only become this tree, as she herself has been greatly disappointed in a relationship. What if the Menoa tree has taken something in terms of feelings, relationships or anything else on the subject of romantin, which could later have a strong influence on his relationship with Arya.
I know, I know... in the end they exchange real names and everything seems good. But somehow the way seems to me from the time when Eragon is pushing forges is not as it was before. Over time, this "state" could fall further and further, so that Eragon experiences a complete change in his feelings and is no longer able to love. Maybe it can also effect his bond on Saphira or Roran, idk.
But I think the thought is kind of interesting. what do you think about that? Have I possibly misinterpreted something in the story that put me on a completely wrong path here?