
Hello everyone,

I would like to clarify I’m not officially diagnosed with erythromalalgia!! I have had a couple of doctors confirm that it seems most likely however. I’m just going through a lot of testing. So far negative for any allergy related things like MCAS, no autoimmune labs have been weird, I am severely anemic all of the sudden though???? Never had an issue w that before. So along w the ferritin/iron saturation, it’s led to a few other labs being whacky. But nothing conclusive. I had a positive tilt test symptomatically but my HR didn’t rise enough for POTS/OH. I was diagnosed with “orthostatic intolerance” from that, seeing cardiology next (idk what for exactly tbh).

Aside from that, the appearance, description, triggers, ect is all text book to erythromalalgia rashes.

I have no clue what brought all of this on. Neither to my dr’s. It’s beyond frustrating.

I have been taking ADHD stimulants (started with concerta, moved over to adderall after about a year of concerta.) I was prescribed addedall for over a year before these issues started coming on.

I also get what seems exactly like Raynaud’s on my fingers/toes when they’re cold (again, not an official diagnoses, just the dr’s unofficial opinion).

I know that adderall may coincide with Raynaud’s. Not sure if it could cause it or if you’d already have to have it for it to make it worse? Does anyone else here experience adderall or any other stimulant bringing on erythromalalgia/raynauds/OI when you haven’t really had any health issues your whole life?? I literally feel like my body is slowly shutting down lol.