feel like i'm waking up from a dream

recently i have been having these moments/ sensations of walking up. like life is a dream and im brcoming lucid. its really deep and cant describe it that well. like life is a movie and im pulling my attention away and coming to. or like im in a video game. or like i'm in a play but i forgot i was in a play and now im remembering its a play ( i hope i dont sound schizo, I don't think it is derealization), I feel very aware.

it started a couple weeks ago when i woke up in the morining and it felt like my whole life was the dream i was waking up from. And it does not feel negative, it is not a depresssed feeling. i feel peaceful and curious. i feel like something is pulling me. Like I am trying to remember a word on the tip of my tounge. like i could reach out and pull 'reality' back like a curtain.

recently i have been very focused with where my attention goes and i have been pulling it out of all petty insignificant things that distract me. i have been becoming more aware of my mind and not letting it drag me around. then i started getting these curious sensations.

I also saw the video clip a few weeks ago too which explains it perfectly Can anyone relate?

also does anyone recognize the man talking, what is his name?