Anyone with senior dev years of experience but junior dev level of competence?
I did the jump ship every two years from startup to startup route, and that’s half the story. Most of the places I worked at weren’t exactly paragons of engineering quality. Not to say the people weren’t smart but the codebases and practices were often sloppy. I didn’t receive any mentorship and often had to teach myself, and I don’t know if I’m a good teacher.
So a dozen years later in the industry and I don’t really think I’m even really mid-level. (Though that’s also partly it seems there’s no more entry level positions, expectations are just so inflated for them.) And I think my own personal deficiencies as a dev led me to working at environments that naturally matched my level. My current role is no different in presenting few opportunities to improve my technical chops?
What’s next? Upskill by hitting the books and programming in my spare time? Sure. But career wise do I try to find a place that will accept me as a lower level dev and mentor me despite my supposed years of experience? Fake it til I make it and then somehow transition to management or product management?
I don’t think this is impostor syndrome. I’m just yet another someone who went into the industry without any affinity for it and was able to bluff my way through the low interest rate years. My peers in school are staff engineers or engineering managers now. I guess I’ll be in limbo until I can find some competence and confidence. Or figure out what I really want to do and pivot. Shame that the industry is one big pair of golden handcuffs, and my cost of living is commensurate with the comp.