Anyone else get bad atrophy quickly?
What I mean is this. I started on E topical for atrophy about 3 months ago. It wasn't a choice for me, it was a necessity, bc I couldn't even be penetrated anymore. Plus my ovaries were in pain constantly and it was interfering with my life. I had entered severe atrophy in about 9 months on T.
Now, I take it every night, or at least every other night. If I go more than 2 nights without it, my right ovary in particular hurts like a bitch. But within 15 minutes of using the topical, the pain stops. I forgot it last night and my right ovary hurt so much at work that I started feeling light headed and got pale. Had to go home on my break to take my topical then come back.
I'm concerned about that ovary and am going to ask my doctor for his office gyno to check it out. I'm wondering if it's just so atrophied/non-functional that it may need to be removed or something like that.
But has anyone else experienced this? Bc the only people I've seen talking about atrophy did topical for like 2 weeks and were able to stop. At this point it's clear that I will need topical for the rest of my life. Which doesn't really bother me, but it is making me wonder if I should be considering the eventuality of getting everything removed (no vaginectomy tho, I never want that).