Seller deleted account from Facebook
Hi, so I saw this Nintendo switch ad on Marketplace. I asked where's the location and she sent me the postcode. I said that it is too far so I would want her to post it to me if that was okay with her so she said that she normally does collection only but because she wants it to go quickly she accepted, as long as I send the payment via paypal "family and friends". I said no I would rather send it "goods and services" but she replied saying that it would take 21 days for the money to clear out and they needed the money asap so she would rather wait for someone to collect it then.
An hour later I messaged her saying I'll take is, will pay half of it now and half when I receive it, with the shipping fees and she agreed. I told her to send it tracked and she told me she did. I asked her to send me the tracking number but she said she will when she get back home cz she's out.
Next day I messaged her saying that she didn't send the tracking code to me and she said: I'm so sorry I completely forgot about it when I returned home yesterday. I am at work now I'll send it when I get back home."
Nothing has been sent so I messaged her like 8h later (8pm) but I noticed that all her messages are saying "This message was removed because it doesn't follow out Community Standards". Checked her profile from another account but couldn't find it (I used the profile link to look her up)
Apparently she sent it next day delivery on Friday so I might get it on Monday as well.
What do you guys think?