Will they ever fix anything?
Don't get me wrong, I still tell people that fallout are the best games ever.
They are.
But I've not played them in ages so, I fired up fallout 4, my favourite, and headed out to explore, because even after all these years you still find something you've never seen before ...
Oh yeah, I need to save often in fallout, these damn crashes.... I start to redo what I'd done and not saved, then...
Oh stuff this, I'll Fire up 76.
About 50 minutes in exploring all the new stuff and visiting vendors to buy the new plans and, I'm sure you guessed by now....
And 5 minutes after reloading, and trying to look at the shop...
That's more crashes in about 2 hours gameplay than I got from every other game I've played since last time I tried to enjoy the crashiest games ever produced.
Oh well, I'll try the latest assassin's creed instead...