Would you say Gullveig, Eik, and Baldr are actually some of the most liked OCs in FEH?

I'm curious that even though these characters won CYL, how beloved are these characters by the community. Clearly, a lot of people like them but a lot of people hate them as well. They might not even be peoples' FEH favorites, but people voted cuz they were the most likely to win.

I'd imagine Alfonse and Veronica are still by far the most liked and popular characters in FEH. But considering Book 3 is still widely considered one of if not the best FEH book today, I wonder if characters like Lif and Eir are still more beloved by the community.

Would be cool if someone could make one of those Google doc forms to rate each character.

Edit: Follow up question. Do you guys think if Alfonse and Veronica were still up for voting, that they'd have win this CYL?