Unpopular Opinion: $1 Million isn't a lot of money anymore (here's the math)
I was in a discussion with friends about how much liquidity they would need to retire. One guy was positive that you could live like a king on $1 Million in the US.
He refused to do the math, but I reasoned he could pay off his house (about $300,000) and have $28,000/year assuming a 4% SWR of the remaining $700,000.
His salary now is about $120,000/year, so he would have to make DRASTIC changes to his lifestyle to live off that $28,000.
(Some more details, he has a family of 4 and probably spends $50,000 year on expenses. He seems to think that his lifestyle would elevate indefinitely and he could stop working if he had $1 Million).
He says that $1M is "life changing." but I disagree.
Who's right?