Read Before You buy a Focusrite interface. Why do they have so many issues?
Before I bought my 3rd gen 212 I had an audio box usb 96. It was old tech, the pre amps didn’t have enough gain, and it was very noisy. During this past Christmas season I got a good deal on a 3rd gen Focusrite 212. I was really happy with it until after using it for a while it would randomly make a glitch sound, then it would drop out shortly after. At first I thought it was the interface. My 6 year old pronouns usb sounded like shit but didn’t have this issue. I went to Focusrite to see if they had any information to help. I went through preparing windows for sound. It didn’t help. Checked the device manger and event viewer for issues and nothing there. The next time it glitched out I noticed the speaker inputs were switching back and forth really fast. That’s when I realized it was a drive conflict windows didn’t pick up on. No surprise there! I ended up disabling my laptops stock audio drivers and now everything is working. The downside is I can no longer use my laptops built in speakers. I don’t think anyone should have to go through this to get something to work properly. It should work out of the box without disabling my laptops built in speakers. Why hasn’t Focusrite addressed this issue? It seems like these lower priced interfaces are nothing but trouble. I won’t buy another Focusrite product. I also won’t recommend Focusrite interfaces.