Fractal Refine Chair Fabric/Mesh - A few question before purchasing

Hello there.

I'm in need for a new chair coming from a now uncomfortable Noblechair Hero that has served me for 4+ years. I was going to pull the trigger on something else when i saw this Refine and i fell in love with the design.

I've read a lot of reviews online and i've came up with my own question that sadly can't find anywhere so i'm asking this community and the kind people owning this chair.

Few facts aboout me: I'm 6'1 and 220lbs, suffering from scholiosis.

  • ARMRESTS: Are those really "slidy" without need to pressure? I often relax in a 20/25 degree tilted down position and i'm wondering if laying my arms on them with a little bit of pressure given by the angolation will move them.
  • SEAT: Is the seat really short as they say? My noblechair hero seat is around 23/24 inches while i saw that this chair is around 16'' with the sliding forward mechanism that cover basically 20'' of seating. Can someone give some better insights? Thanks.
  • COMFORT: Someone says that the fabric has a better, softer backrest while someone esle say that the mesh are comfier since they "adapt" to your back. Also, which seat cushon would be comfier? Mesh or Fabric in your opinion?
  • OPINION: If you have not tried both of them, i'd like to hear a small review of your or few words that descrbe the positive experience (and what you actually dislike) about the chair and if its worth getting it.

I'd like to thank this fantastic community and all the people that will answer me beforehand.

Have a great day!