question for the long time Bethy snarkers

so Bethys got her new insta, which seems like a spin off of sheworkssmart, and i only remember a little about that particular account.. was SWS religious? I remember her talking about being a “proverbs 31 woman” on one of her accounts but there have been so many… it seems to me like this is her first instagram account that entirely lacks any mention of Christianity, or being a Christian woman, but again, I wasn’t around/wasn’t paying attention to SWS while it was active.

so Bethys got her new insta, which seems like a spin off of sheworkssmart, and i only remember a little about that particular account.. was SWS religious? I remember her talking about being a “proverbs 31 woman” on one of her accounts but there have been so many… it seems to me like this is her first instagram account that entirely lacks any mention of Christianity, or being a Christian woman, but again, I wasn’t around/wasn’t paying attention to SWS while it was active.