Aria’s “custom built bassinet” is not giving safe sleep vibes
Maybe there is foreshortening happening here but it looks like it goes flush to the wall of her room which makes me nervous about the baby rolling and getting stuck between wall and mattress. Like if your baby sleeps on a mattress on the floor instead of a traditional crib, they say not to put it against the wall because they could get trapped between the wall and the mattress and that seems possible here.
At the same time the sides of the bassinet look like they are made of barely secured cloth? Which, while thankfully breathable seem… not very secure? Like if it isn’t against the wall and there are only those fabric sides I feel like they should be more taught?
And then there is the solid top. Like why is the top of this bassinet a shelf? Look, I live in a small space too, I do understand space efficiency but idk if you should be storing things right above where your baby sleeps. I have a toddler so I had to learn about safe sleep relatively recently and I feel like this ain’t it.