my thoughts on Godzilla vs SpaceGodzilla
I watched this before long time ago, and to be honest. I still really love this movie so much.
The human plot was actually engaging enough to keep me engaged and it blended well enough with the kaiju plot. the whole theme of mankind polluting the universe is interesting, only flaw in the story was the random yakuza part that came outta no where but other then that it was good.
Destruction scenes were top notch and felt real. You could feel the impact they had and they actually felt horrifying to a extent.
Heisei Godzilla is still a great design, simple but invokes so many things. You can tell just by looking at it that this is king of the monsters. Sharp and beastly features highlight his brutal nature but something bout the eyes invoke he isn't mindless, he's a living creature.
SpaceGodzilla is such a great design, sure its a mutated godzilla with crystals but little details like the Biollante features in the face are nice touches that help him stand apart. He also feels fierce with how bulky he is.
Mogera was an ok design, im not sure why but he's never been a design I really lean towards, not bad but nothing special for me.
Final note, the ending of Godzilla walking towards the ocean is oddly gorgeous.
Final final note, Baby Godzilla must be protected at all costs
Letterboxd 5 stars
real life 8.5